Tri-Eye is the Sinestro Corps member of Sector 3145.
Little is known of where Tri-Eye came from before being inducted into the Sinestro Corps. He was known to travel across his planet via a system of connected underground tunnels. Tri-Eye lives at the bottom of water wells, springing up and capturing its prey when they came to drink. Once in his grasp, Tri-Eye's three mouths will tear through flesh and bone, leaving no trace of his meal behind.
Injustice Comic[]
Tri-Eye debuts in chapter seventeen of Year Two, alongside several other Sinestro Corps members joining Superman in confronting the Green Lanterns outside of Earth. When the war begins, Tri-Eye is caught in the blast fired from Mogo, killing him instantly.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Superhuman strength
- Three lines of vision
- Intimidation
- Wields Qwardian Power Ring
- Flight
- Construct Creation
Tri-Eye is a triple-headed and triple-mouthed purple-skinned alien wearing the standard Sinestro Corps uniform, with his ring worn on his left hand.