Soranik Natu is Green Lantern of Sector 1417 and the daughter of Thaal Sinestro and Arin Sur. Soranik first appears in the Injustice 2 comic series.
Thaal Sinestro married Arin Sur and had a daughter named Soranik. As a Green Lantern, Sinestro would use his power to overthrow the government of Korugar and install himself as the leader. However, his despotic changes would grow concerning even in his own family. At one point, when Sinestro was off-planet, Arin hid their daughter and would later take her own life.
Soranik would eventually become a Green Lantern herself and as part of her training would spend one week on Mogo. At some point Soranik was appointed the Prison Warden of the prison colony of Harring.
Injustice 2[]
Soranik makes her first appearance where she hits Hal Jordan with a Construct fist when he expresses joy during his labor. Hal challenges Soranik's "misuse" of the Green Lantern ring, however Soranik counters by berating Hal, she states Hal did nothing as Superman destroyed Mogo and murdered hundreds. Before the two can continue, they are interrupted by a prisoner transport ship that contains Sinestro. Enraged at Sinestro for manipulating him for years, Hal assaulted Sinestro and the two would be placed in solitary confinement. Soranik first meets with Hal and informs him he will be released tomorrow as long as he doesn't have another incident again.
Soranik then meets with Sinestro nearby, she demands Sinestro to tell her the truth about her mother's death. Sinestro states Arin Sur was assassinated, however Soranik reveals his statement does not line up with the evidence. Sinestro attempts to divert her attention, however Soranik ignores his attempts and theorizes her mother's death was a suicide. A suicide caused by Sinestro because Arin would rather die than live with him. The two are then interrupted by a call on Soranik's lantern ring, informing her another Green Lantern was "downed". With Soranik distracted, Sinestro uses the opportunity to charge at her and try to take her lantern ring. Soranik fights him off and knocks him through the wall of Hal's cell. She pins Sinestro to the wall while Hal warns her not to let her hate for him corrupt her, Soranik refuses and states she is nothing like Hal or Sinestro. Soranik's ring begins to announce the murder of Tomar Rea, but before anyone can react, the prison is destroyed with a beam of red energy. When the smoke clears, the three are surrounded by the Red Lantern Corps.
The Red Lanterns attack them but when Soranik is overwhelmed by the Red Lanterns, Sinestro shields her. When asked about their relationship, Soranik denies one however Sinestro reveals to Atrocitus she is his daughter. When Green Lantern reinforcements arrive, Sinestro attempts to take a dead Red Lantern's power ring, only to have Hal wield it instead. Despite being fuel by rage, Hal orders Soranik and the other Lanterns to flee with Sinestro to Oa.
With Sinestro imprisoned in a science cell, Soranik questions him about who is Atrocitus and why he wants to kill them. Sinestro reveals information about the Red Lanterns and that Atrocitus will target her because of their family relationship. Despite Soranik denying any relationship, Sinestro reassures her that he would "tear this universe apart" in order to keep her safe. Soranik then meets with Sayd and Green Lantern Corps when a red lantern Hal Jordan arrives to Oa with a warning. However he's too late, as Starro and the Red Lantern Corps arrive and begin to invade Oa. Conflict ensues with many Green Lanterns being infected by Starro's spores or being slayed by the Red Lanterns and mind control Green Lanterns. Fortunately for the Green Lanterns, the Teen Titans and Lobo arrive to aid them, however by this time, Soranik is mind-controlled by a spore and fights against them. Soranik then joins Starro and the Red Lanterns in attacking the Green Central Power battery.
Despite the Central Power battery being breached, the remaining Green Lanterns stage a counter-attack now with Hal Jordan and Sinestro as readmitted Green Lanterns. Following the spore removed from Sayd, Sinestro confronts his mind-controlled daughter. The mind-controlled Soranik impales Sinestro through his abdomen and mortally wounds him. Despite this, Sinestro is successful in removing the spore from her face. Once free, Soranik comforts her father as he dies, with Sinestro commenting on how much she looks like her mother. With his life fading, Sinestro readdresses Soranik's early question and confirms she was correct about her mother taking her own life because of him. With one last breath, Sinestro apologizes for not being a better man before he dies, and his ring chooses Soranik as the replacement Green Lantern for Sector 1417.