The Man-Bat is a frequent foe of Batman and appears in the Injustice: Gods Among Us Comic.
Man-Bat is a man-sized bat and an adversary of Batman. He was a scientist named Kirk Langstrom who was specialized in the study of bats and created a formula that transformed him into his monstrous bat-like form.
Injustice Comic[]
Year One[]
The Man-Bat appears in the villain's exclusive bar, World's End, attempting to enjoy a drink when Wonder Woman and the Flash arrive in their search for Mirror Master.
Year Five[]
Ground Zero[]
Injustice 2 Comic[]
Man-Bat was seen as one of the members of the Suicide Squad. He abducts one of the corporate heads for Ra's al Ghul. He was killed by Gorilla Grodd.
Powers and Abilities[]
When transformed into his Man-Bat form, Langstrom gains enhanced strength, stamina, speed, heightened sense, and can fly with his new wings. He also gains a bat's natural echo-location sense, and he has claws sharp enough to cut through flesh and muscle. As Kirk Langstrom, he is extremely intelligent, especially with bats.
The Man-Bat is a mutated human with characteristics of bats, including wings, claws, long ears, and a deformed nose.
- This is one of the few versions of Man-Bat who can talk while transformed.
- It is unknown if this version of Kirk Langstrom is friends with Bruce Wayne, whereas he is in most other versions.