This is the third annual of the Injustice comic series, the first story taking place before the events of Year Three and the second story taking place during the events of Year One.
Release Date[]
Injustice: Gods Among Us Year Three Annual #1 (Released April 29, 2015)
Part One: A Proper Mage[]
Part Two: Fall of the Titans[]
Featured Characters[]
- Rose Psychic (First Appearance, Death)
- Doctor Occult (First Appearance, Death)
- Baron Winters (First Appearance)
- Sargon the Sorcerer (First Appearance)
- Enchantress (First Appearance)
- Beast Boy (First Appearance, Death)
- Superboy (First Appearance)
- Kid Flash (Death)
- Wonder Girl (First Appearance)
- Red Robin (First Appearance)
- Starfire (First Appearance)
"Two Untold Tales: A Proper Mage and Titans"