Injustice:Gods Among Us Wiki
Injustice:Gods Among Us Wiki

The mobile version, which was released on iOS devices on April 3, 2013, and Android devices on November 21, 2013, is a free-to-play game with buyable upgrades, such as Power Credits and Energy Cards. Recent updates have included DLC Characters such as The Red Son Pack (with Superman, Wonder Woman, and Solomon Grundy) and the Man of Steel pack (it contains an exclusive Superman and Zod).

A Challenge Mode also exists, allowing players to get exclusive Gold Character Cards by beating many battles within a certain time.

The following characters can be claimed (that are confirmed) from Challenge Mode (in order):

Batgirl, Zod, Red Son Deathstroke, Regime Raven, Regime Aquaman, Blackest Night Batman, Hawkgirl, Elseworld Flash, and Martian Manhunter, John Stewart Green Lantern, Mortal Kombat Scorpion, 600 Wonder Woman, Containment Doomsday, Boss Solomon Grundy, Darkseid, Regime Killer Frost, Red Son Batman, Arkham Origins Deathstroke, Luchador Bane, Zatanna, Red Son Green Lantern, Raven and Aquaman.

NetherRealm teased at WonderCon a multiplayer trailer, adding new skins for existing characters and a new multiplayer system with a genuine new interface, coming soon to Injustice Mobile.


Injustice for the mobile features different gameplay than its console version, resembling more of a card battle game than its "fight-style" console counterpart. Players collect characters in the form of cards and use them on 3v3 battles to defeat their opponents.

The player starts with three random Bronze characters at the beginning of the game and can get more characters by completing specific battles, buying them from the shop, or earning them as rewards from the Challenge Mode. Every character can level up, and buying more copies of characters allows you to promote them to Elite cards; every "Elite" on the character has bonuses towards Damage and Health. Character cards come in three rarities; Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The higher the rarity, the better base stats come with the character. Each character has a "Passive Ability," which grants them a boost in gameplay for themselves or for the whole of the team. (For example, Superman Regime gains 50% more damage for 6 seconds at 40% health). They also have two Special Attacks, which are unlocked at Levels 1 and 5, respectively. The higher the Special Attack, the more powerful it is. The first two Special Attacks can deal Special Effects such as Poison, Power Drain, Bleeding, Frozen, or Stun the opponent. The level 20 attack is a Super Move which is a High-Damaging UNBLOCKABLE Attack.

Each battle requires "Energy" to use before a battle starts; as many as 1-3 Energy may be used for battles. Each character has 10 Energy slots that recharge over time. Suppose a character lacks the energy to participate in a battle. In that case, the player must wait until it is recharged or use an Energy Consumable, which can be rewarded from matches or as daily rewards. Energy can also accumulate faster for cards by purchasing a "Support Card" for each character found in the shop or from "Booster Packs". Cards that boost Health and Damage can be found as well.

Online Mode

The Online Mode allows iOS players to play against other AI-controlled player teams and was added to the game on April 24, 2014. Although the multiplayer matches are not in real-time, the winner of each match gains battle rating that is added to the Leaderboard for each "Leaderboards Season." Furthermore, gear cards can be added to characters to increase their stats.

Occasionally, and exclusive character is awarded to players who rank high enough in that season. Characters awarded this way include Ares, Cassandra Cain Batgirl, and the Batmobile, a Batman-specific legendary gear.

The previous online challenge reward is Cassandra Cain Batgirl.

Challenge Mode

Current Challenges

iOS Android
??? ???

The Challenge Mode is an event that happens usually twice a month, that may last for 10–17 days. It consists of 63 battles within five certain "Sub-Challenge Stages". Each of the five challenges has a certain requirement in order to beat them or even partake in them.

  • In challenge battle 1, only Bronze characters are allowed.
  • One character must be on your team for challenge battle 2, 4, 5, which is different between the three.
  • In challenge battle 3, only Bronze or Silver characters are allowed.

Any version of the named character will work. For example, if it requires Bane on their team, Bane, Regime Bane, Luchador Bane, or Knightfall Bane will work. In certain challenges, there are certain criteria instead of a character, such as requiring a Red Son character or a Regime character.

The battles within the challenge mode have an Energy Cost and an extra cost known as "Challenge Credits". Credits are won by doing ladders outside the challenge mode. You receive 0.5 Challenge Credits for every energy bar used. Therefore, playing 2 battles that require 3 energy bars each, you will receive 1 & 2 Challenge Credits for the two fights. Every time a challenge starts, 25 credits are awarded to the player to get started. With the completion of the challenge, the player receives 25 more credits to play the next difficulty. Without any losses, a total of 63 credits is required to beat the challenge mode completely. Credits can also be bought from the shop in quantities of 3 or 20. Credits disappear from the player when Challenge Mode ends. When a Challenge Mode is completed, a "Gold" character will be awarded to the player. Other rewards include a free Bronze booster pack, 15,000 Power Credits, and a Silver booster pack. Once Challenge Mode is completed, the player may buy the same character again to promote them. Upon completion of the Expert Mode difficulty, the player also receives an uncommon Gear Card. Upon completing the Nightmare difficulty, the player also receives a 3-star Gear Card exclusive to the challenge character. If the player has not completed it, they will not find them there. As of yet, challenge mode characters can be found in Challenge Booster Packs.

In the 1.7 Update, Challenge Mode will be repeatable up to three times if eligible. This is ONLY from Elseworld Flash onwards. For example, the challenge with Elseworld Flash will be repeatable, so that's it possible to claim the prizes three times. However, with each repeat, the challenge mode gets significantly tougher; the difficulty starts from Normal, then to Expert difficulty, and finally Nightmare difficulty. The same mechanic of completing the challenges one by one to get pieces for prizes will still apply. In higher difficulties, players may be rewarded with character cards of bronze or silver rarity, or very rarely gold. The Expert difficulty takes 2 Challenge Credits in every battle, and in Nightmare difficulty, it takes 3 Challenge Credits per battle up from the original one required. Therefore, it'll take 63, 126, and 189 (a grand total of 378 credits) to complete the Challenge mode fully. However, from the Killer Frost challenge onwards, the player only needed 1 Challenge Credit per battle regardless of difficulty.

The 1.8 Update added Batgirl back as a repeatable challenge. Old challenges such as Zod and Red Son Deathstroke are likely to make a return in this way, just as 600 Wonder Woman and Darkseid did.

Recently, the 2.1 Update brought Regime Killer Frost, Luchadore Bane, Arkham Origins Deathstroke, and Red Son Batman as new challenges.

Furthermore, the 2.2 Update brought in new challenge characters, which are Red Son Green Lantern, Zatanna, Raven and Aquaman. Cassandra Cain Batgirl could be found in the game files and was later released as an online challenge.

The 2.3 Update brought in Godfall Superman, Animated Batman Beyond, Static Shock and MKX Scorpion. The Batmobile is released as an online challenge. Ra's Al Ghul Dagger and Static's Disc are found in gear packs.

The 2.4 Update, released on 19 May 2015, adds a new set of Gear and adds Killer Frost Prime, Arkham Origins Bane and Joker, Bounty Hunter Lobo, and Regime Hawkgirl. Multiplayer has been buffed and passive abilities for current characters have been updated.


These characters are rewards from previous (or ongoing) challenge modes.

Batgirl was brought back from NetherRealm due to customer feedback. Darkseid was brought back as a challenge on May 31, 2014. 600 Wonder Woman was brought back on June 27, 2014 for Android, while iOS had new characters added in, such as Regime Killer Frost. Other challenge characters are known to be brought back as challenges as well.


Passive Ability Damage Health Cost Availability
Batgirl Tactical Advantage: Batgirl and her team start with one bar of Power. 850 1000 192,000 Closed
Zod Phantom Zone Survivor: Zod gains 20% more Health and Damage for each character on his team that has been knocked out. 800 1200 220,000 Closed
Red Son Deathstroke Red Son Speed: Deathstroke and his teammates gain 5% Speed for each Red Son character on his team. 950 900 192,000 Closed
Regime Raven Demon Stance: Once per match, when Raven is at 40% Health or less, her Basic Attacks Drain Power from her opponent for 6 seconds. 950 950 201,000 Closed
Regime Aquaman Watery Grave: Aquaman's Super Move Drains Power from his opponents team. 800 1050 192,000 Closed
Blackest Night Batman Night Strength: Batman gains 20% Damage between midnight and sunrise. 1000 800 182,000 Closed
Hawkgirl Air Support: Hawkgirl and her team tag in quicker (2 second faster cool down). 900 950 192,000 Closed

Elseworld Flash

Bullet Time: Once per match, when The Flash is at 30% Health or less, his opponent is slowed for 7 seconds.
750 750 133,000 Closed
Martian Manhunter

Telepathic Attack: Martian Manhunter's basic attack combo has a chance of a telepathic attack, which causes random effects on his opponent.

750 1200 211,000 Closed
Scorpion* Fire and Blood: Scorpion's heavy (swipe) attacks deal unblockable BLEED damage over 2 seconds, and his special attacks deal unblockable FIRE damage over 6 seconds.^ 950^ 850 182,000^ Closed
John Stewart Green Lantern Emergency Barrier: When Green Lantern or a teammate reaches 20% health, a barrier appears making that character invulnerable for 4 seconds. This can occur once per character, per match. 950 750 165,000 Closed
Darkseid Empower Minions: All BRONZE characters on Darkseid's team gain +300% HEALTH and DAMAGE. 1,050 1,200 274,000 Closed
600 Wonder Woman Amazonian Fury: All FEMALE characters gain 30% damage and power generation. 800 1100 201,000 Closed
Containment Suit Doomsday Evolutionary Rebirth: Three times in a match, and in the face of certain defeat, Doomsday will instantly regenerate 50% of his health and power while receiving a 10% damage increase. 700 600 220,000 Closed
Boss Solomon Grundy One Foot in the Grave: Solomon Grundy gains bonus DAMAGE to his basic attacks the closer he is to defeat. 550 1250 182,000 Closed
Regime Killer Frost Polar Vortex: Killer Frost surrounds her opponent in bitter cold, Reducing all Healing effects by 90%. Upon Special attack activation, opponent's Power Generation and Speed are Reduced by 50%. 750 1250 211,000 Closed
Red Son Batman Red Son Cunning: All Red Son teammates gain chance for UNBLOCKABLE on SPECIAL 1 attacks. 900 1000 201,000 Closed
Arkham Origins Deathstroke Elite Soldier: Reaching 200% Damage on Point Blank special makes it UNBLOCKABLE and automatically CRIT.
850 1100 221,000 Closed

Luchador Bane

Feel the Pain: Upon Tag-In, Bane has a Chance to STUN his opponent and receives a 25% Boost to All Damage for 4 seconds. 1100 800 201,000 Closed


Deck of Fate: Pick a Card, and Card! Each card has one of five EFFECTS: Regain 50% of Health, Damage over Time, Damage Boost, Power Drain, or as in all magic it can BACKFIRE. 900 1150 231,000 Closed

Red Son Green Lantern

Red Son Energy Armor: Red Son characters on Green Lantern's team take 20% LESS Special Damage, and are IMMUNE to STUN and CRIT. 850 1150 220,000 Closed


Demonic Rage: Twice per match, when Raven is below 20% HEALTH she swaps HEALTH with her opponent. 1050 1000 231,000 Closed


Armies of Atlantis: Aquaman can summon a soldier of Atlantis by using Atlantean Hero. 950 1050 220,000 Closed

Godfall Superman

Power of Kandor: On successful BLOCK Superman reflects all Basic Damage. 1000 1250 274,000 Closed

Animated Batman Beyond

Winning Edge: Upon using his first move, Batarangs, basic damage will increase. Upon using his second move, Future Bat, critical chance on basic attacks. Upon third ability, critical damage will increase. 1050 1000 252,000 Closed

MKX Scorpion

Reborn Spectre: Reaching 200% on Special Attacks will make the damage over time critical. Bonus 8% Health per promotion. 1200 1000 262,000 Closed
Killer Frost Best Served Cold: Daampens opponent's power generation by 50%. 850 1200 Closed
Arkham Origins Joker Contagious Laughter: All Specials inflict Poison. Each Arkham Origins Character increases the damage dealt for Poison. 1150 850 220,000 Available
  • A *  denotes that this card was changed in terms of ability, damage, and cost.
  • A ^ denotes that Scorpion's damage stat was increased to 950 from 750, and his ability did blockable BLEEDS and FIRE damage over 6 and 12 seconds, but were weaker in terms of damage.


The Flash




Green Arrow




Wonder Woman



Green Lantern

Solomon Grundy

Harley Quinn

The Joker



Lex Luthor


Killer Frost


Black Adam






Martian Manhunter


Support Cards

The Flash




Green Arrow




Wonder Woman



Green Lantern

Solomon Grundy

Harley Quinn

The Joker



Lex Luthor


Killer Frost


Black Adam






Martian Manhunter


All Characters


  • Power Surge = Both you and your opponents team has an increased Power Gain.
  • Mini Boss = A Mini-Boss waits for you at the end of the battle (Varies).
  • Boss = 1 Powered Up fighter against your team with Damage and Health Boosts, and Random Special Attacks.
  • Random Enemies = You will not know what the enemies are until you enter the fight.
  • Dampening Field = Your team generates Power at a decreased rate.
  • Regeneration = Your opponents team regenerates Health.
  • Radiation = Your team will constantly lose Health.
  • Chaos = You have no control over when your team tags in and out.
  • Countdown = You have limited time to defeat your opponents team.
  • Half-A-Hero = Specials and Super move damage are reduced.
  • Dead Zone = No passives.
  • Life Drain = Damage taken is given to the opponent as a heal.
  • No Supermoves = While the third bar of power appears disabled, no power is actually wasted if you go over the second bar.


  • The Martian Manhunter support card was renamed J'onn J'onzz, leading to the belief that Martian Manhunter will be a future character card. Martian Manhunter became available as a character card for a limited time through the challenge mode; whether this influenced the name change of the support card is unknown.
  • The game has Darkseid as a playable character, making him the first Injustice mobile exclusive character. He is followed by Static and the Arkham Knight in that regard.
  • Green Lantern Sinestro and Batman Returns Catwoman are also mobile exclusive skins.

Patch Updates

  • 2.1: Added four new challenge characters, Regime Killer Frost, Luchador Bane, Arkham Origins Deathstroke and Red Son Batman. Furthermore, multiplayer has been balanced.
  • 2.0: MULTIPLAYER! Added an online competitive system, gear score and equippable items, a new single player ladder, multiple new cards making most cards have a "Gold" equivalent, and Shazam. Also, the Challenge Booster Pack was added.
  • 1.8: Added four new challenge characters according to the hints given, such as Darkseid, Boss Solomon Grundy, 600 Wonder Woman, and Containment Doomsday and various bug fixes. Scorpion's Card was also boosted in terms of overall damage and cost on the iOS version.
  • 1.7: Added repeatable challenges, allowing challenge characters to be won repeatedly up to three times. The Man of Steel pack featuring alternate versions of Superman and Zod were added.
  • 1.6: Added the Alliance Credits system.